Top +10 effective fat-reducing exercises to do in bed

Top 10 effective fat-reducing exercises to do in bed

Exercise #9: Outer Thigh Lift

The goal of the outer thigh lift is to strengthen the hip and outer thigh. The movement requires moving the leg away from the midline of the body.


1. Lie on your right side with right arm extended out straight, head resting on arm.

2. Place your left arm in front of your chest for support.

3. Lift left leg up and out from hip socket.

4. Lift out for 2 counts and lower for 4 counts, resisting as you lower your leg to starting position.



Exercise #10: Toe-Touch Crunches

Toe-Touch Crunches takes your standard ab crunch and adds in a nice hamstring stretch and isometric hold for your hip flexors. They’re very simple to do and can be worked into any “Ab Day” routine!


1. Lie on your back, and lift your legs and arms up so they are extended toward the ceiling.

2. Lower your legs toward the floor while reaching your arms overhead, keeping your shoulders off the mat and lower back pressed into the mat.

3. Repeat the crunch motion to complete one rep.

4. Perform 10 reps.






Exercise #11: Single-Leg Stretch

The resisted single-leg stretch is a Pilates-inspired exercise that increases strength and stability throughout the core including the lower abdominals.

Exercise Steps:

1. Lie on your back with both knees brought toward your chest.

2. Extend one leg straight in front of you as you press your hands into your other thigh.

3. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor as if performing a crunch.

4. Drive your knee toward your chest as you continue to press into it with your hands.

5. Hold, then return to starting position.


Exercise #12: Jackknife Sit-Up

Jack knife sit ups are a great low-impact exercise for strengthening the core muscles. They are a great way to tighten the lower abs. Jack knife sit ups will give your abs challenging workout, but the basics are easy to master!


1. Lie on the floor, keeping your hands extended behind the head.

2. Fully extend your legs and ensure that the toes are pointing forward.

3. Exhale and raise your legs and arms to meet in a jackknife position. Bend at the waist while lifting the legs at a 35-45 degree angle so that your back is raised from the floor at the top

4. Lower your arms and legs slowly while returning to the starting position. Control your movement while coming down.



Exercise #13: Forearm Plank

A forearm plank is a core body exercise that strengthens all of the muscles of the core, gives you a stronger low back, and teaches your body stabilization.


1. Assume a push-up position but bend your arms at your elbows so your weight rests on your forearms.

2. Tighten your abs, clench your glutes and keep your body straight from head to heels.

3. Hold as long as you can.



Exercise #14: Star plank

Star Plank strengthens your obliques and entire core and also help your firm stand. Star Plank not only builds strength in your shoulder and arm, but deep contraction in your oblique muscle and hip. If you learn how to do Star Plank you will have a great new isometric core strength move.


1. Begin in a side plank position with right arm straight below right shoulder and legs long with feet stacked.

2. Reach top arm and leg up and hold, squeezing abdominals.

3. Stay for desired amount of time and switch sides.

4. Repeat.


Exercise #15: Tabletop reverse pikes

The tabletop reverse pike targets and trains your arms and core and improves your overall strength and stability. This exercise also engages your shoulders, glutes, and legs, giving you a great full-body workout.


1. Sit on the mat with your knees bent, your arms extended back, your fingers facing the body, and your feet hip-width apart.

2. Lift your butt off the mat, coming into a tabletop position.

3. Lower your hips, straighten the legs and lengthen the spine.

4. Raise your hips, lift your torso and return to the tabletop position.