Discover the 9 Leading Causes of Belly Fat & 7 Ways to Reduce it 💪😍

6. Stress

Stress can have a significant impact on an individual’s metabolism and weight, as the body releases a steroid hormone called cortisol to control and cope with stress.

During a high-pressure or dangerous situation, cortisol is released, which can affect metabolism. Moreover, people often resort to food for comfort during stressful situations, leading to an intake of excess calories.

Cortisol then causes these additional calories to accumulate in the belly and other parts of the body for future use.

How do I get rid of stress belly fat?

Daily exercise can help you to reduce visceral fat, even if it doesn’t help to shed pounds. Try 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days and strength training on other days. It’s OK to skip a day once in a while, but try to move more throughout the day.

Does stress cause belly fat?

Cortisol levels triggered by stress are associated with abdominal obesity and weight gain. According to a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, people with higher levels of cortisol tended to have larger waist measurements and higher BMI as compared to people with lower levels of the hormone.

What does a stress belly feel like?

Just as everyone experiences stress differently, they may experience the stomach discomfort it causes differently. People with stress- or anxiety-related stomach pain most often complain of a knotted feeling, cramping, churning, bloating, indigestion, nausea, or diarrhea.

Why does stress cause a belly?

Stress causes belly fat due to increased cortisol levels, overeating, disrupted sleep, and lowered metabolic rate. Prevent “stress belly” by following the treatment methods above. Following a sensible lifestyle will not reduce the risk of disease but also promote a healthier, fitter life.

7. Smoking

While smoking may not be directly responsible for causing belly fat, researchers consider it a risk factor.

A study published in the journal PloS one in 2012 demonstrated that, despite the same level of obesity in smokers and non-smokers, smokers had a greater amount of belly and visceral fat than non-smokers.

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